Kevin Lloyd-Woods Founder & Financial PlannerASIC Authorised Representative: 242176
Kevin, known affectionately as Woodsy, is the Founding Father of KLW, starting the company in 1980. The business bears his initials – KLW – a legacy he’s proud to pass on, with daughters Angela and Tenille working in the business alongside his son-in-law Nathan.
Before commencing in the insurance industry in May 1980, Kevin was a school teacher. He saw the sacrifices his family would have to make to advance his career in education and didn’t want to compromise family life. He and his wife decided to change professions and established their own business that would build a stable and prosperous future for them all.
For Kevin, providing insurance advice was something he’s always believed in. As an 8 year old child, his father was killed in a car accident and without his decision to have a substantial insurance policy in force, the family’s life would have been very different.
In the early days, moving from being a popular school teacher to an insurance agent was very stressful. His own mother asked him – “what is wrong with your head Kevin?” Not exactly a glowing endorsement for his new career! As a profession insurance sales was held in low esteem, below that of even a car salesman!
Kevin isn’t one to pale at the thought of a challenge, and he set out to prove that ethics and integrity could be part of the insurance industry. Over time, Kevin proved that his advice made a real difference to the lives of his clients, with the financial benefits they received changing lives.